El Greco Theme Alidropship WordPress Theme



Aliexpress Dropshipping Theme


Getting customers to the checkout has never been so easy! With a sleek and fully-responsive layout, El Greco wordpress theme – Alidropship Wordpress theme is a pure pleasure to browse.

It terrifically handles any niche and catalog so your customers can enjoy all the comfort and convenience of online shopping. The El Greco theme comes with TWO versions of checkout!

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SKU: JIH-1254160 Category: Tags: , ,

El Greco Theme Alidropship WordPress Theme


Whether you’re a total newbie or a seasoned expert with a multi-million dollar turnover — El Greco theme is the exact solution you’re looking for to start your own AliExpress deopshipping business.


Two versions of checkout
Lean checkout flow is optimized in every aspect and it looks great on all screens. Comes with built-in trust icons and value propositions to boost customer confidence and get your prospects to make faster buying decisions. One-page and multi-step high-converting checkout versions at your choice. In the mood for changes today? Just click one button to choose the checkout that suits your business goals more.


Side Shopping cart & Shopping cart page
The shopping carts in el greco theme have been carefully crafted according to Baymard checkout research findings to provide unparalleled usability. Choose from 4 shopping cart options available for you to meet your business needs.


Build trust with your customers
The alidropship themes has plenty of built-in eCommerce trust drivers that will bring in the profits with no effort made on your end. Encourage massive engagement with your brand and entice your visitors to make a purchase right now.


Most popular categories
Bring your best selections in the spotlight and grab an excellent opportunity to inspire and guide your online shoppers through your store. An amazing way to promote certain navigation paths.


Homepage reviews
Nearly 90% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations, so don’t miss the chance to reap the tremendous benefits of showing testimonials from satisfied customers. The results? An unavoidable increase in conversions and traffic volume!


Mobile menu
User-friendly design of the mobile menu allows online shoppers to navigate your store intuitively and find the right products in a matter of seconds. We’ve made sure every interaction detail performs at its best so your website converts at the highest rate.


Money-Back Guarantee
If you are not completely satisfied with the el greco theme, please get in touch with our support team. We’ll be happy to help you or we will refund your purchase in full with our 30-day money back guarantee.

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El Greco Alidropship – Alidropship WordPress theme


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